You must have observed how many people are much more comfortable investing in a chit, over a bank. Well, that’s because even formalized and legal Chit fund Apps like myPaisaa, that enable you to invest in chits online have a lot of benefits to offer
Re-define what it means to take an old way of savings and use it immensely in a new way to help you make lucrative investments. Get ready to invest in chit funds online like myPaisaa, which are reliant, safe and easy to monitor.
Here’s how you can join the ever-growing myPaisaa team:
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There are 4 main advantages of investing in chit funds:
Recurring deposits offer low-interest rates of 5-6% per annum. Also, if a customer withdraws from the RD before maturity they're charged a penalty. Moreover, RD returns are taxable too. However, customers who save in chit funds can expect much higher returns - up to 10% per annum. They can participate in online auctions and get their money in advance. There's the additional benefit of borrowing from your fund in case of emergencies. When you invest in chit funds online like myPaisaa, the returns are tax-free. Customers can enjoy the full value of their investments without any deductions.
Traditional chit fund companies operate using traditional, complicated manual processes. Customers are required to visit chit fund offices in order to participate in auctions, leading to the loss of valuable time and energy. But when you invest in chit funds online like myPaisaa, you can enjoy all the benefits of a traditional chit fund at your convenience. Digital technology has also automated the entire process making chit funds much more transparent, reliable and easy for the millennial customers of today.
You need to submit KYC documents that include your PAN and Aadhaar card to join a chit plan. If you are a salaried person – 6 months Bank statement and 3 months payslips. If you are a business owner 6 months Bank statement, ITR & any one of -Business licenses/GST/Rental Agreements. If your residential address is different from the address on the Aadhaar card, then we'll require address proof as well.